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Commandment 2: Seek Guidance

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Retain A Professional Investment Counselor

Professional advisors are invaluable when it comes time to make a final decision. While self-education is a necessary cornerstone for responsible investment, understanding the ins and outs of any given real estate market is nearly impossible without historical experience, daily research, and human networking in the desired market. For example, while a responsible investor may have done his homework and everything might look good on paper, what if the property owner he is buying from is known to be less than reputable in a certain city? Tailored knowledge like this is where professional investment counselors come in, who are able to provide you with unique insight that only comes from those who are involved in a specific market every day of their life.

Now – how do you know which advisor to trust? Choose an advisor who is prepared to stay with you for the long term, and who puts their money where their mouth is. Let’s say you walk into a company like Merrill-Lynch and sit down across from a sharp, 28-year old kid who is fresh out of an impressive business school. He seems to have all the right credentials – but can you really trust somebody who has never invested in what – or in where – you are investing? Absolutely not!

Find an advisor who is paid to produce results – NOT somebody who is paid just to move their lips! Your advisor should be a coordinator – NOT someone who is trying to make decisions FOR you or WITHOUT you, and definitely not someone who leaves you all on your own.