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Commandment 3: Stay In Control 

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Maintain Direct Control Of Your Investment

Any investment situation in which you are relinquishing decision-making power to other parties is a potential disaster waiting to happen. I strongly recommend avoiding any LLCs, partnerships, tenant-in-common deals, real estate investment trusts, or other similar arrangements when making investments. Additionally, never leave your financial future in the hands of incompetent, unethical, or greedy brokerage houses, fund managers, or corporations. Always be a direct investor.

Look, we’re ALL familiar with the “Enrons”, the “World Comms”, and all of these types of companies out there who wound up crippling thousands of investors. Even if your third party “manager” is not a “crook” and is actually rather competent, at the end of the day they are still taking a hefty handling fee off the top of your profits for decisions you should be directly involved with anyway!